Now Offer the most recent 14k Yellow Gold Italian Mariner Chain Necklace (5mm), 20" From manufacturer
It's with great happiness that we are able to publicize the fact that we now carry the most recent 14k Yellow Gold Italian Mariner Chain Necklace (5mm), 20" available from manufacturer. Even though there a wide range of products like this one, you will see that not one of them will give you equally as much value for your money as the most up-to-date design coming from such a respectable company. Only when you pay for an extremely recommended brand just like it will you feel like your hard earned dollars has been spent well.
So, what exactly is it relating to this certain 14k Yellow Gold Italian Mariner Chain Necklace (5mm), 20" which sets this in a category of its own? In this particular situation you will learn that received from this type of well-known manufacturer ensures that you might be purchasing a merchandise that has a reputation of fine quality merchandise. Different copy cats appear and vanish leaving behind a trail of dissatisfied customers, whenever you get one made by manufacturer, you understand you can depend on always getting the top quality product accessible.
Not simply are we thrilled to have the ability to add the 14k Yellow Gold Italian Mariner Chain Necklace (5mm), 20" to the catalog of wonderful merchandise, but we are thrilled to have the ability to present it to you at this kind of terrific reduced price. You may well be able to find this version in other places, but you're not gonna find the item at the exceptionally reduced price we've got the item for sale for thanks to our exclusive purchasing power. With a price which is this low, you are going to get a good item and genuine value for your money.
Customer Rating : View Customer RatingsList Price : $2,540.00
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Availibility : Usually ships in 24 hours
The magnificent 14k Yellow Gold Italian Mariner Chain Necklace encompasses a bold, nautical-inspired look. This gorgeous, timeless chain features interlocking mariner links that lay comfortably with a lobster-claw clasp. This classic chain incorporates the quality and sophistication that is well-known by Italian jewelers. The mariner-link chain incorporates some of the design and fine-craftsmanship practices that were inspired by Egyptian, Greek and Asian culture, discovered centuries ago during the Etruscan period in Sothern Italy. The 5mm width makes this 20-inch chain a wonderful pairing with a variety of pendants or as a stand-alone necklace.
- Gold contains a polished finish for radiant shine.
- Chain is solid 14k Yellow Gold.
- Made in Italy
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